Hot off the Press: Zimbabwe: Art, Symbol and Meaning getting printed

A really exciting moment for us to witness the knowledge and experiences of a lifetime in the Zimbabwean art world transmitted into a highly quality publication of excellent printing standards, for the next generations to discover the richness and importance of the sub-Saharan African and Zimbabwean art, philosophy, and culture.

This book tells the visual story of Zimbabwe's artistic heritage, linking the masters of Zimbabwean art to some of the most prominent contemporary figures in the African art world today.

You can now order your copy in English or French here.

The 12th Century Zimbabwe Bird stone sculptures back in the ruins of Great Zimbabwe, a symbolic statement to end the photographic work.

This week we ended the photographic work with the very symbolic statement of photographing 4 of the legendary Zimbabwe Birds which were put back in their original settings in the Great Zimbabwe Ruins with the permission of National Monuments and Museums Zimbabwe, and the help of their wonderful staff, for this unique occasion. This would not have been possible without the help of the National Gallery of Zimbabwe, and is a historic first since the stone birds were removed by the colonialists in the 19th century. I have also photographed the Zimbabwe Bird which remains in Cecil Rhodes's bedroom at the Groote Schuur museum in Cape Town. We have photographed in high definition, 5 of the 8 existing 12/13th century mythological Stone Birds of Great Zimbabwe for our publication, giving a glimpse into a thousand year old Shona art form, and tracing its links with the art of the recent past. The book concludes with a cameo on Zimbabwean contemporary art. You can pre-order your copy and witness the results yourself.

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